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For those of us living in India right now, every day there’s a new set of rules and regulations and law handed down from Centre and State governments as they aim to stop the spread of coronavirus. Borders have been sealed, events have been cancelled, and many shops, businesses and services like court are yet to resume operations. Social distancing measures have been put in place and self-isolation is mandatory for most people crossing jurisdictions, and, of course, anyone returning from overseas or entering the country.

Practising ‘social distancing’ and undertaking mandatory self-isolation in a utopian society should have been largely based on trust – trusting people to follow the Public Health and Safety guidelines, as well as other sensible guidelines and recommendations. But in the wake of video footages showing crowds gathering, baithaks, and other similar mass gathering the rules have now changed.

Read Full Article on https://libertatem.in/articles/jiski-lathi-uski-bhains-an-analysis-from-the-perspective-of-social-distancing-norms-in-covid-19/


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