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Anyone who seeks remedy under Law anticipates an effective and speedy redressal of grievances. To cater to this hope, the Legislature often endeavours to design special laws, procedures and adjudicatory fora for speedy adjudication of disputes, especially for the more vulnerable. One of the issues has been the dismay and despair of the women in our society and the legislature has been more empathetic with the plight of women who face difficulties due to troubled marriages. There are various statutes, which ensure the protection of women as also their rights. In fact, the Magna Carta of these welfare legislations lays in the Constitution of India, Article 15 (3) to be more specific.

The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986, The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 etc. were introduced decades ago and have been tailored time and again to ensure their effectiveness. However, the women of Jammu and Kashmir could not exercise many rights like their sisters in the other parts of the country due to parallel Constitutional structure and failure of the male-dominated State Legislature to ratify these laws. Hence, the women of J&K could never really ensue any benefit out of these legislations, which otherwise equipped their sisters with special rights and protection where the marriages failed to work.

Read Full Article on https://libertatem.in/articles/a-legal-insight-into-the-lives-of-the-women-of-jammu-and-kashmir/


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